This information will hopefully help you if you're trying to subscribe to OPTYX LLC. but aren't receiving email messages sent to your email address.
Many times, messages from mailing lists seem to not get delivered, because they get filtered into junk mail folders. This is because sometimes the legitimate unsubscription information that's in the message itself is flagged as being SPAM-like.
There's no proper way around this, except to not have this unsubscription information available, which will cause trouble when you want off a list. It's a Catch-22 situation.
In light of this problem, the best thing to do is to add the list owner's email address, , to your addressbook/whitelist.
If you successfully received the confirmation email message, click Save Address to have saved into your Hotmail addressbook.
When you're logged into your Hotmail account, click on the Mail tab in the middle of the interface.
Click on the Options link on the right side of the interface.
Click on Junk Email Protection.
Click on Safe List.
Type in the list owner address, , under Type an address or domain:
Click the Add button.
If you successfully received the confirmation email message, click Add to Address Book when viewing a message from to have the address saved into your Yahoo! Mail Address Book. This link is located to the right of the "From" header, above the message itself.
If you successfully received the confirmation email message, click More Options below the Subject line. Then, click Add sender to Contacts list.
You should see a message on the top of the interface, stating: The send has been added to your contacts list.
Choose: Actions -> Junk Email then click: Add Sender to Safe Senders List.
Or if you prefer, choose: Actions -> Junk Email Options, select the Safe Senders tab, click ADD, and enter the email address in the popup window. Lastly, click OK.
If you successfully received the confirmation email message, choose: Message -> Add Sender to Address Book on the top toolbar.
You may also hold the pointer over the email address in the message, press the mouse button, and choose Add to Address Book from the pop-up menu.